Untitled, George Crîngaşu

George Crîngaşu

George Crîngașu’s work ranges from installation to animated gifs, and it is mostly comprised of 2D and 3D compositions build on freely available content found rummaging through various corners of the internet. Re-assembling bits and pieces of data gives him a feel of participating in the sort of entropic nature information seems to rely on: any type of data should be perpetually in motion and perpetually in a state of change.

| Interview by Sabin Borş |

adela-muntean - Poisoned_Paradise

Adela Muntean

Adela Muntean’s works and research explore a multitude of ideas and techniques that the artist developed during her studies in media and cinematography. Her latest interest revolves around the possibility to relate immersive and digital media in the context of interactive documentary and media art.

| Interview by Sabin Borş |

everything is present online at SPRLQDT, 2016 Photo Credit: Roland Váczi. Courtesy of Superliquidato

Re-framing a space into multiple screens Superliquidato (SPRLQDT) – a hazy story

SPRLQDT presented itself as a capsule space, a backdrop where ideas and practices merging from digital art or derived from it, whether experiments and ‘orthodox’ media, could find a temporary place. For you see, the digital art scene was and still is to coagulate, but back in 2014, finding a platform for it was a constant struggle. Yet, between the hive-mind of the Internet and ideas unfolding in everyday conversations, rummaging through ways of visibility and exasperation, spaces can emerge; like this one, in a dome-like structure, 12 m², an oddity among the artists’ studios and galleries of The Paintbrush Factory in Cluj-Napoca.

| Text by Edith Lázár |

The Birthday Party of an Android Not Yet Installed, Thea Lazăr

Thea Lazăr

Thea Lazăr is a young artist whose work ties Internet culture with real life, focusing on how technology influences us and our online behavior. She has been actively involved in various cultural projects and events in Cluj-Napoca together with the Aici Acolo collective.

| Interview by Sabin Borş |

I am the queen - Anastasia Manole

Anastasia Manole

Anastasia Manole is the avatar created for her works online by Bucharest-based Gabriela Mateescu, a feminist artist who works with performance, video-performance, installation, and drawing.

| Interview by Sabin Borş |