Esoth Eric and antiEsoth Eric compose the hypermedia application Esoth Eric, developed on the same given equation that has 1, 0 or -1 as a result. the two projects can be accessed independently from two computers. the projected images are overlapping on the screen which plays the role of a melting pot from where the alternative results of the equation emerge.
Esoth Eric _ the elements of equation correspond to the biographemes of the character and can be combined according to the preferences of the user or can be accessed chronologically. the result revealed by the melting pot will always be different.
antiEsoth Eric _ such as the minimal difference between matter & anti-matter makes possible the existence of the world we think to know, any pixel has its anti-pixel. therefore, antiEsoth Eric’s existence cannot be overlooked.
Esoth Eric was born in Zadar. in 1967, Jocelyn Bell, sustained by her professor, Anthony Hewish, declared that the radio waves, coming to her from space, were emitted with a certain purpose by intelligent beings, which have to be denominated, by the number of emission sources, The 4 Little Green Men. approaching the situation more realistic, the involved researchers discovered, not without rejoice, that the signals are the product of some celestial bodies which themselves couldn’t escape baptizing. as things seemed to be clear, nobody observed that reality was different: what has been catalogued as a delicate pulsar wasn’t, in fact, more than the effect of the timeless projection of the 4 dwarf’s image, having Esoth Eric in front, who’s father, established somewhere between Tlaxcala and Cacaxtla, wrote in his personal diary: “ if light needs 0,000000003335640952 seconds to travel a meter, I have to necessarily find out in how much time I will get to the natural state of things, which, by Aristoteles, is the repose. then, not without candor, I would have to accept that I’m wrong. just like the inhabitants of these places were wrong as, in front with Xicoténcatle Axayacatin The Youth, they welcomed the adventurer Hernán Cortéz with wide opened arms. to its apparition the tlaxcalteca culture developed and then parted into four principal kingdoms: Tepetipac, Quiahuixtlan, Ocotelulco and Tizatlán. if Tlaxcala can be reached only by car, coming from Mexico City, Cacaxtla is at a stone’s throw, which means that the xicalanca-olmecs, proceeding from the races náhuatl, mixteco and chochopopoloca, they decided to stay here as long as possible, in the place where the rain dies in the earth, Cacaxtla.“ meanwhile, Esoth Eric’s mother was waiting in Zadar.
seeing that the timeless projection of his own image isn’t received correctly, Esoth Eric sends a signal for 11h00’00”, ignoring the fact that the moment between 10h59’59” and 11h00’00” would last for an eternity because of the simple reason that this is the time at which a black hole was getting into shape. because of this and of being in the middle of the event, Esoth Eric is transformed into a consistent portion of spaghetti, which doesn’t stop him to calculate, according to the Doppler effect, his own cruising speed towards red. finding out that he is in fact on the trajectory of the expansion of the universe, Esoth Eric gets bored pretty quickly and suddenly changes his direction to blue, which means that he has the chance to see The Big Bang as a transparent layer overlapped on the absolute and, eventually, the absurd, overlapping another transparent layer known under the name of The Big Crunch. In the general mess the LGM doesn’t know if in the sky he sees, just like until now, the past and the photons emitted by his magic lamp belong to the future. still, it is his impression that the operation succeeded completely because, becoming himself a living thermic machine, he transformed the warmth of his glowing cheeks into mechanical work, without any problems. in his smile one could read the formula on the basis of which the given output is maximum: the temperature of the warm spring minus the temperature of the cold spring, divided with temperature of the warm spring. beyond the primary soup one could hear the murmur of the mineral water spring Lipova Bãi.
nobody could say if because of any postulate of thermodynamics or theory of relativity everything, y compris Esoth Eric, have the outstanding pleasure to experience the privileged state of repose, a good occasion for lazyness and then analysis for taking the next step. as the expansion can not be doubted anymore, there is nothing more to proove than her form: a baloon or a sponge cake? for the first time Ockham’s razor is used to cut the sponged cake or to sting the swelling baloon. the raisin that got under the incident of the razor as well as the rather thin rubber, besides producing a sonic boom, scattered instantly quadrillions of particles which would have stayed without name if in that moment of grace Murray Gell-Mann from Caltech wouldn’t have risen his eyes from the joycean txt which states plainly: “ 3 quarks for Mr. Mark.” and because the raisins from the sponge cake spread aromas along with the particles, it has been established that every quark had it’s own flavour: up, down, strange. charmed. bottom & top. Furthermore, every flavour has three colours: R,G,B, and the possible resulting combinations that could form a matrix, the more so, as mr. Werner Heisenberg elaborated the principle of uncertainty according to which: if you take a quark at random, Esoth Eric for an example, you can precisely calculate his position without knowing the moment he conquered the named position and vice versa. so one can explain why the image of the 4LGM isn’t received correctly, though Planck’s constant could have been applied without any doubts. but, as any quark has it’s anti-quark, which he’s dating, Esoth Eric had the curiosity to shake hands with anti-Esoth Eric. only because of the difference of one thousand millionth, anihilating themselves has been avoided. so, after cooling, the life and work of the most sagacious feature of reVoltaire’s archive can be accessed on cd-rom and on the internet.
the superficial observation of the 4LGM provoked confusion in scientific environment, as any attempt to get an objective point of view failed lamentably. to save the situation an error remedy table has been elaborated. so, every Little Green Man could be analyzed in particular, which brought a supplementary amount of coherence. error no. 1 > character: Esoth Eric > classification: Bookphentz > buzzer sound: intermittent > error message: Sensor. Failure > remedy: gravity is to be applied, every particle experiencing it due to its own energy. Esoth Eric has a potential energy greater than that of the stretched bow in which Zenon’s arrow lies. as the arrow will always be in the same place and the bow will be forever stretched, the energy of Esoth Eric is everlasting. error no. 2 > character: Le Piquamerder > classification: Qyzz > buzzer sound: continuos > error message: Temperature. Abnormal >remedy: electromagnetic force is to be applied. this force interacts just with the electrical charged particles, positive or negative, which attract or reject each other, but because of respecting no logic and random changing their electric charge, they leave Le Piquamerder the freedom of being always manifest in an unclassifiable way. error no. 3. > character: Rupert Zidu > classification: Pikless > buzzer sound: intermittent > error message: Replenisher Level Too Low > remedy: because Rupert Zidu is not in the center of attention, though the weak nuclear interaction could prolong the life of the revelator and hereby the sense of the character could emerge. error no. 4 > character: Rhea K. Mons > classification: unknown > buzzer sound: silence > error message: no problem > remedy: the strong nuclear interaction gathers quark by quark in protons and neutrons and these in the nucleus of the atom, animated by the hope that this force is circulated by another particle named gluon, which interacts with itself. according to the advanced studies, the interaction is a bit different but the above stated version is convenient to the demonstration.
afterwards the table has been completed. the most important new feature is the clear difference which has to be made between the demo version of the project and the final one, in which the txt can be accessed in english, morse or in the üzül dialekt.
to escape bankruptcy, the board of the Afilon Detergent Fabrik took drastical recovering measures and registered a cultural society, dealing with space flights, at the Arad Court. so, the show room of Afilon, situated in the basement of block 108B is transformed in the quarters of the new agency, which has been named MASA (Mikalaka Aesotherics and Second Administration). for the start, the employees of the agency offer to the interested the main questionnaire according to which the astronauts will be selected: 1. how long does a galactic year last? 2. what are the cannibal galaxies and what do they eat? 3. does the primary soup link to the former question? 4. what is the remanence of a supernova and is the explosion of a small star a little wind? 5. if no object is definitively and inexorably linked to a place, the number of stars within a galaxy is to be pointed out. 6. what is a dwarf? 7. what would be the reaction of Stephen Hawking if he read this txt? 8. how many tles does it need to be subtle? 9. construct a perpetual-motion-machine-of-the-first-kind. accidentally Esoth Eric got in hand of the questionnaire and complacently filled it out. that is why he has been chosen for the first mission, which consists of a one light second short expedition. the movie that has to be shot by this occasion will feature mitzi on the moon as a special guest star. “Houston, we have a problem: Elvis left the building.” “Thank you very much.”
a bit disappointed, Esoth Eric withdraws in the lap of a quasar, where he polishes his scales, as Rhea K. Mons would say. in reality he tries to put the elements he is composed of in some logic order. hé las, the energy used for this action, dissipates in the shape of heat and amplifies the already existing quantity of disorder in such a way that the already shaped system gets into a balance, state in which a perpetual-motion-machine-of-the-second-kind is parked, getting the name of Carra Vella, but being usually called Cara Mella as it came out that entropy can offer hidden delights. it was the second phase. the quanta were magnetizing the left alone pixels and there was no distinction between past and future. if space would have made any sense, hence the shape of a puzzle, Esoth Eric, based on his well known intuition, would have known to solve the problem occurred, but in a lapse of inspiration he took the Cara Mella and delivered a futile speech on symmetries: he randomly replaces colours with anti-colours, uses mirror images of the existing forms and changes the direction of the machinery itself. the obtained result was below expectations, more than this, he saw himself forced to leave the quasar instantly because of the smell of altered eggs, which tends to spread all over. there is no other chance left to Esoth Eric than to convert the sulfured hydrogen into alternative energy and to leave into the unknown.
the meeting, which awaited Esoth Eric at the end of the journey, made him to exclaim inside that the krestanatz é una cosa mentale. but to there it is a long and hard way and, to mend his errors, he took up Zenon’s arrow, which, due to its direction of motion, he transformed into a hour hand. when entropy rises, the dial aboard of the Carra Mella will display the thermodynamic coordinates of time. the psychological ones, just for fun, he will stray in the future, while the cosmological ones, though proving the expansion of the universe, will be considered a simple game of strategy, good for losing time. a wrong command was sufficient to take Esoth Eric’s space ship into a black hole, where everything goes on very fast: the expansion of the universe reaches its apogee and starts contraction, the future is past and gemini wave their hands from paradox, happy of being again of the same age. the other Little Green Men, Le Piquamerder, Rupert Zidu & Rhea K. Mons, do joyfully wait for Esoth Eric to tell them how to know everything after you idly passed the farest point a person can clearly visualize – punctum remotum.
ad usum üzüli: the right granted to the üzüli, üsers of the üzül dialect, to üsually üse goods, fully and till üselessness, which are their own, but which they are not permitted to sell, to üsürp or eat, named üsüfrukt.
Le Dossier Üzül kontains 1482.jpgs réalizés par mitzi K. & kà since 30/06/2000, 14:19h until 17/08/2000, 06:06h lorsque, fatal hour, 3 malfeteurs jugoslaves, hotzi de grand chemin, attakent Mitzi in the train, arrêté à quai, in gare of budapest & volent le kodak [marka: kodak tip: DC240 pretz: 3.500 de franci. n° de serie: perdutt. data kumperarii: 30/06/2000, orele 14:19. n°de faktura: 00182 01376 magazin: FNAC, Forum des Halles]. toute photo made after est déklarée nulle. during the mentioned period, the authors of the dossier appealed to specific methods to find out as much as possible on the existence of Esoth Eric.
according to the convention, everything put in the melting pot will be perceived as an element of the equation. the chosen result will be the logical one or the one given by the computer in a way that does not need to be explained anymore. if x = 0, any affirmation loses its sense. in reality zero is the golden number of hypermedia works. if x = -1, singularities and limits are abandoned and one can speak of the imaginary time where everything is possible. if x = 1, a numeric object is shown, as an effect of organizing, tuning or intentionally covering a sonorous or graphic space. this object, with no precise meaning, is named krestanatz.
Călin Man / reVoltaire, ready media provocateur, full time trend setter at kinema ikon and senior employee at Arad Museum